Diploma in Agriculture

Diploma in Agriculture – Syllabus 2022

I Year I Semester

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
AGR D11 Principles of Agronomy   and Agricultural Meteorology 1+2
AGR D12 Irrigation and Weed Management 1+1
SAC D11 Basics of Soil Science 1+1
HOR D11 Propagation Methods in Horticultural Crops 0+1
AGM D11 Basic and Applied microbiology 1+1
ENG D11 Farm Machinery and Post harvest Processing 2+1
COM D11 Introduction to Computer and its Applications 0+1
LAN D11 English Language for Effective Communication 0+1
PED D11 Physical Education 0+1

I Year II Semester

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
AGR D13 Agronomy of Field Crops- I 1+1
STH D11 Seed Production Techniques in Field Crops 1+1
HOR D12 Vegetable and Fruit culture 2+1
AEN D11 General and Economic Entomology 2+1
PAT D11 Principles of Plant Pathology 1+1
SAC D12 Soil Nutrient Management 1+1
ENS D11 Energy and Environment 1+1

II Year III Semester

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
AGR D21 Agronomy of Field Crops-II 1+1
AGR D22 Crop Production-I 0+2
AGB D21 Methods of Plant Breeding 1+1
AEN D21 Crop Pests and Their Management 1+2
PAT D21 Crop Diseases and Their Management 1+2
CAG D21 Commercial Agriculture-I 0+2
AEC D21 Agricultural Economics, Finance and Marketing 1+1

II Year IV Semester

Course No. Course Title Credit Hours
AGR D23 Dry Farming and Agro forestry 1+1
AGR D24 Crop Production – II 0+2
AGB D22 Breeding of Field Crops 1+1
HOR D21 Floriculture, Medicinal, Aromatic, Spices and Plantation crops 2+1
AMP D21 Fundamentals of Livestock and Poultry Management 2+1
CAG D22 Commercial Agriculture – II 0+2
AEX D21 Extension Education and Transfer of Technology 1+1
AEX D22 Study Tour 0+1